Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Things are Starting to Click...Culminating Thoughts Regarding the Voice Project

     Things are starting to click for me as a result of The Voice Project and our classroom discussions about student development theory.  The thing that I understand most is that students are unique.  That being said, they have multiple identities.  As a result, they have various needs.  Our job as a student affairs practitioner is not to assume what students need.  Rather, I think it is to engage in discussions with students that allow students to share the way that they are making meaning of their world.  These discussions will allow us to apply student development theory to our work with students and give meaning and purpose to the interactions.  In doing so, we will be able to challenge and support students to further grow and develop.  Prior to the voice project, I did not give much thought to the uniqueness of students and had no idea that there were so many theories that could be applied to practice.  The Voice Project has allowed me to see how gender, age, social class, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, and race help to define how we draw meaning in our lives.  In addition, realizing that these identities do not operate separately from one another has been significant.  I look forward to working one-on-one with students and actually having the opportunity to apply student development theory to my interactions with students as an academic advisor.  As this project wraps up, I see the importance of staying up-to-date on the use of theory to inform practice.   At the same time, I see how theory provides rationale for why we do what we do when working with students.  

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